Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A chance to play

A while ago, I was given a set of white van man speakers. For them as don't know, thats the sort that get offered as a spare from a recording studion but to you guv...............

..and rubbish they are too. However, the Chinese company that made them got it wrong. the bass unit is really very good. So they have been through a couple of changes but now I have decided to do a bit of a job on them. Not worth doing them REALLY well but they should be presentable at least.

So its the 12" bass units, Celestion HF1300 tweeters  and KEF T27 as supertweeter. Whilst I was at it, I started veneering them too. Did the first and then ran out of contact adhesive with just one side to do!! Annoying as the French don't sell proper stuff and a friend bought some Evostick out with him. I now have to wait until next month for the next visitor.

I'll get round to cleaning it all up when I can finish them. They sound extremely good. Well pleased with that bit.

Pics. 1. As they came - 2. First change - 3. One done - 4. One part done

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