Sunday, October 2, 2011

Very moving

A good example of why its best to rough turn and then put away for six months. This bowl was really an experiment in piercing but it is still astonishing how much a piece of wood that I know has been stored for at least 20 years can move once the stresses have been relieved.

First pic is July. I have just let some copper wire in to strengthen the edge which had split.


  1. Thats a real shame as it was a nice piece! I remeber getting some oak once to make my mum a gate. My brother "helpfully" moved it inside for me into one of the hottest room sin the house. The next day the wood was only fit for the fire!

  2. Fortunately, I quite like it now. I reckon this actually adds character so am in no way upset.

  3. Thats a real shame - it looks like a nice piece. What did you do the piercing with?

  4. My usual tool is an air tool. It goes up to 74000 rpm and the Dremel metal burrs really cut cleanly at that speed. I did two like this. The other one was a bit smaller and didn't move at all. From the same piece of wood though!
