Monday, May 13, 2013

Ye gods, I'm getting old

The weeekend at the flower show has finished me off I reckon!!

Three days of two way journeys and lugging heavy flower pots around is too much for these tired old bones. I might have to take a day off to recover.

Anyway, its finished for another year and thanks to
a) the weather
b) the economic situation
c) the twits advertised the wrong dates on their website...............!!!!!!

the footfall was a bit down this year. In the end, the take was only about 50% of last years. Still a reasonable profit but this is the biggest one lump earner of our year so all a bit annoying.

Anyway, amongst all the rush I forgot to take a camera but these were the main elements of the display along with a floral arch. The cheshire cat decided against accompanying us to the show but allowed us to include him here sans grin. The cards had already had their heads chopped off but I omitted to do a bloody bit around their ex necks. Probably sensible as there were loads of kids at the show. Wouldn't want to upset any of the poor little dears now would we???

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