Saturday, October 6, 2012


Had a friend pop in this morning as we were 'processing' some livestock and they were met with the following scene.

As usual its "Oh how could you?"

As always my answer is "Do you eat meat?"

"So how come you couldn't?"

This is real life, not lived vicariously for you by someone else who keeps you sheltered from unpleasantness.

Our birds are treated well, we know what they eat and that nothing unpleasant has been injected or added, they are used to being handled and we dispatch them as fast as humanly possible. 

On top of that, they taste wonderful. Anything is better than the plastic wrapped, plastic tasting birds from Tesco.


  1. How could you Gordon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL, I am a vegetarian and the reason for this is after shooting loads of stuff as a youth, one day I just couldn't. I admire you sentiment, if you're going to eat it you should have the guts('scuse the pun) to kill it. I just hope you're not going to chew your way through 4 chickens all at once!!!!

    1. I have been tempted at various times to give it up but in the end I decided that a) I liked it too much and b) it really is the natural order of things.

      I fully understand the vegetarian point of view, its the meat eaters who won't admit that its necessary to kill an animal in order to eat it, that drives me nuts.

      These four are going in the freezer with the other ten. They will last us the winter. We only eat a little meat with our meals so one bird goes a long way. There also five ducks in the freezer!! The ducklings are even sweeter than the chicks so its a good job they grow up into ugly things!!

  2. Couldn't agree more. We've become a nation thats forgotten where our food comes from. We're planning to have meat birds next year as well as some pigs and like you said it's good to know what they're fed on and how they've been treated.

    1. Hi Kev,

      we have friends who run a farm/restaurant using all home produced product. We don't really ant to get into the bigger animals but their pork and lamb tastes unbelievably good. Go for it, I am sure it will be rewarding in more ways than one.

      As it is, we have virtually no waste, the chicks and cats clear up most of it. Should apply for a rates reduction!
